Explore our Actuarial Services for Retiree Benefit Plans.

We provide actuarial accounting, funding, and financial reporting valuations and guidance for employers who sponsor pension and other post-employment benefit (OPEB) plans.

Depending on the purpose (cash funding, settlement, or long-term liability), the ultimate cost and plan liability of post-retirement benefits can be determined through a variety of measurements that are established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) for private companies, and the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) for public employers.  These different types of liability measurements and accounting standards can be confusing and a challenge for plan sponsors. 

Let us handle it for you!  As actuaries, we have a thorough understanding of FASB and GASB standards and will do the hard work for you. We provide you with fast, efficient, and cost-effective retiree valuations to meet your reporting needs and requirements, and to assist you with making the best decisions regarding the funding/future of your retiree health and pension benefits.

What We Do

FASB ASC Topic 715 retiree healthcare valuations

Measures the funded status of retiree health benefits and the projected benefit obligations, and more. Typically used for employer retiree health plans. 

FASB ASC Topic 965 retiree healthcare valuations

Valuations used for annual financial statements of the Plan which report accumulated plan benefits and assets. Typically used for union and association plans.

GASB 74/75 retiree healthcare valuations

Valuations used for financial reporting of assets and liabilities for the plan itself and the plan’s employees.

GASB 67/68 retiree pension valuations

Accounting and financial reporting requirement for governments that measures long-term pension liability.

Request a Consultation

Could you be saving money and managing your benefit programs more efficiently?

As actuaries, we have extensive training in statistics, insurance, accounting, and finance and can quickly assess your benefit programs and circumstances to recommend strategies to help you be more compliant and efficient, while increasing your bottom line.